Teaching Sleep Habits: Toddler Sleep Training

Getting enough sleep is essential for your toddler's healthy development, not to mention your sanity. Here's how to help your child slow down, change gears and head off into the Land of Nod.

Create a routine

Start each night with a relaxing routine: changing into pyjamas, brushing his teeth and washing his face every night will help to establish that these are the things that happen before bedtime. Resist the urge to excite your child with more games. Learn more on how to set up a perfect bedtime routine.

Be consistent

Stick with the same routine. When bedtime rolls around, he'll know what is expected of him.

Make it comfortable

Let your child take his beloved teddy bear or blanket to bed with him. Allow one drink of water and then turn on a night-light before closing the door. This gives him fewer excuses for climbing out of bed again.

Pause before answering a call

With each time he calls for you, wait a few seconds longer. When you do answer, remind him that it's bedtime. If you go into her room, leave the light off and make it quick.

Be patient

Teaching a toddler good sleep habits doesn't happen overnight. Keep doing the same thing at bedtime and eventually your toddler will learn to go along with the plan.

Enjoy every bedtime: while it can be challenging at times, it's certainly a precious bonding experience! Get a complete guide on sleep training.

While these tips can help your baby get a good night’s sleep, do try out the all new night diaper range i.e. Pampers Premium Care Night Diapers & Pampers Baby-Dry Night Diapers. These diapers are meant to offer your baby a good night’s sleep as well as will also keep him dry and comfortable for up to 12 hours.

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