10 weeks pregnant

Hey mom-to-be, welcome to the tenth week of pregnancy ¬— 3 weeks to go for completing the first trimester — yay! This week awaits you with bodily changes and your baby's official transformation from an embryo to a foetus. At 10 weeks pregnant, your little one will be about the size of a strawberry. Sounds cute, right? Know more by reading on.

Your Baby's Development – Fetus at 10 Weeks

Congratulations! Your embryo has now graduated to a foetus. At this stage, generally, a 10 weeks pregnant baby size ranges between 1 to 1 ½ inch, from crown to rump. To know what your baby's development this week looks like, take a look below:

Stronger when fused

Your baby is becoming stronger day by day as her bones and cartilages begin to take form. Small indentations on her legs develop into knees and ankles. Moreover, her teeny-tiny arms will complete with elbows and can now flex easily.

Cute little teeth

The tooth fairy has arrived, heralding the appearance of your tiny tot's first pair of teeth, forming under the gums. However, hold your breath; those little choppers won't come out from the gums until your baby turns 6 months old.

What's more in store for your baby at 10 weeks pregnant?

Your baby's major organs have started developing. Her eyes, nose, and mouth are also taking shape. Those tiny webbed hands and legs now have fingers and toes. Her stomach has begun producing digestive juices while her kidneys are functioning well and producing urine. If your baby is a boy, his body is already producing testosterone.

10 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms

At 10 weeks pregnant, your uterus will grow to be the size of an orange, whereas, before pregnancy, it was the size of a small pear. While your early pregnancy symptoms are here to stay for a while, you might also experience some new or different symptoms this week. Here's a sneak peek into 10 weeks pregnant symptoms:

Morning sickness

As you enter into the second trimester, your morning sickness is most likely to subside. So, you may start feeling better soon. However, if you experience severe morning sickness, called hyperemesis gravidarum, speak to your doctor.

Round ligament pain

As your uterus grows to accommodate your baby, it stretches and softens two ligaments in your pelvis. These round ligaments cause pain on one or both sides of the abdomen as they tighten. It is usually triggered while changing positions in bed or doing strenuous exercise. To relieve the discomfort, practise light stretching and gentle movements. If this discomfort increases or is accompanied by fever, talk to your doctor for medical advice.

Minimal weight gain

Already feeling your clothes fitting a bit tighter? You haven't yet gained much weight. You may have also lost a few kgs here and there if you've been experiencing morning sickness. If you are concerned about gaining weight, talk to your doctor to understand what is acceptable. For an estimate of healthy weight gain based on your pre-pregnancy weight, try out our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator tool.


Do you feel sleepy all day? Blame the increased levels of the pesky pregnancy hormone, called progesterone. Try getting as much rest as possible. Take small naps during the day.


You might also experience occasional headaches during pregnancy. Try resting in a darkened room or applying an ice pack to your head to relieve the pain. If the pain becomes severe, contact your doctor.

Vaginal discharge

Increased blood supply and hormone levels can cause more vaginal discharge than before. This discharge is normal and is called leukorrhea, which is clear, milky-coloured and nearly odourless. It can appear slightly yellowish on your underwear. However, if you notice a strong odour or any colour changes in the discharge accompanied by itching or bleeding around the vaginal area, contact your doctor.

Things to Consider at 10 Weeks Pregnant

This week may make you a bit nervous about the screening tests, while some symptoms may cause you discomfort. Here's what you do this week:

  • Handling varicose veins: Avoid sitting with crossed legs and do not sit or stand for long durations. You can also wear a support hose or sleep with your legs elevated to improve blood flow. Stay active and practise pregnancy-safe exercises.

  • Pregnancy photoshoot: Although you might not start showing yet, now is a good time to start with a baby bump progression photo series. Pick a day of the week, choose your outfit and click a selfie or have your spouse take a full-length photo of you.

  • Shop for pillows: It is time to shop for pregnancy and body pillows. Pregnancy pillows are specially designed to support the expecting mother's back, belly and knees. They often come in C, U, and wedge shapes. Pregnancy body pillows tend to wrap around your entire body, while regular body pillows are straight and long. Both these are a must-have for extra comfort and support to get a good night's sleep.

  • Caring after CVS: Once you get your chorionic villus sampling test, you may experience mild cramps and spotting. Make sure you rest well and do not engage in strenuous physical activities or sexual intercourse. There is a minor risk of infection, deformities, or miscarriage after this procedure. So, your doctor will monitor your condition for a bit after. Once you go home, make sure you keep an eye on any of the following symptoms:

    • Continuous pain or cramps

    • Bleeding

    • Fever

    • Leaking fluid from abdomen or vagina

Precautions and Tips at 10 Weeks Pregnant

Combatting those pesky symptoms is not rocket science, and you can ease the discomfort by following some of the tips below:

  • Roller coaster ride anyone? Your emotions might be on a ride in this week, where you might find yourself crying one minute and laughing the next. However, these mood swings will soon subside at the end of the first trimester and may return in the last few months of pregnancy. Remember, it's okay to talk about your feelings and thoughts to your loved ones or doctor.

  • That particular smell makes you nauseous? With food aversions in the picture, you might become sensitive to particular aromas, fragrances and odours. The once-loved aroma of your favourite food may suddenly become offensive, making you sick in the stomach. It's better to stay away from such triggering smells until delivery to avoid nausea. If you notice a similar situation with food sightings, it's good to pass on that food for a while.

  • How about a sunbath? As your tiny one's bones and teeth are forming, you need to get your vitamin D in sufficient amounts. Try soaking in the morning sun for a while, include fatty fish, eggs, fortified dairy products, and orange juice in your diet, and talk to your doctor about the D supplements.

  • One for the mango lover! No offence to other fruits (all fruits are good for pregnancy), but mangoes are great. They contain more vitamin A and C and are packed with potassium. You can enjoy it as is or add in your salads, soups, or salsas.

  • Say yes to a healthy breakfast! Skipping breakfast is a big no-no. Remember, you need to include at least two pregnancy-good foods in your breakfast, like oatmeal and DHA-enriched eggs.

  • Do you hear that? Fatigue, exhaustion, and sleepiness - that's your body talking – so make sure you listen to it. Your body is working super hard nowadays, not only to keep you upbeat and to help your baby develop but also to support the placenta. So, make sure you rest enough, take naps in the day whenever possible, and do not skip those mid-meal snacks. Try cheese and crackers, nuts or dried fruits to keep your blood sugar levels up.

  • Want to sleep better? With the uncomfortable symptoms, enjoying a good night's sleep can be difficult. Try some pregnancy-safe exercises, avoid caffeine, take a warm bath, and avoid gadgets before sleeping.

At Your Doctor's Office

Your doctor will tell you about foetal genetic testing, including screening and diagnostic tests. Depending on your condition, you may or may not have a 10 weeks pregnant ultrasound. Here's what your doctor will tell you about:

Screening and diagnostic tests

These tests are often recommended for expecting moms under the age of 35, whereas diagnostic tests are for older expecting moms. However, this isn't any hard-and-fast rule; both tests may be offered to you this week.

  • Cell-free DNA testing (cfDNA): A non-invasive prenatal test that checks for common trisomies (13, 18 and 21) and reveals the baby's gender. This blood test is recommended to those who meet one or more of the following criteria:

    • Age 35 or older

    • Abnormal foetal ultrasound

    • Previous child with a genetic disorder

  • Chorionic villus sampling: A diagnostic test that involves removing cells from the finger-like structures in the uterus lining, called chorionic villi. It will check for chromosomal abnormalities and is recommended to women who meet one or more of the following criteria

    • Age 35 or older

    • Based on earlier screening test results

    • Family history of genetic disorders

    • Previous child with a genetic disorder

Variations of the test include:

  • Transcervical CVS: A thin tube is guided from your vagina into the cervix through an ultrasound. Once it reaches there, the doctor gently removes a small sample of the chorionic villi using a suction.

  • Transabdominal CVS: Here, the doctor removes the cells using a needle inserted through the abdominal wall.

Questions to ask your doctor

Here's what you should ask your doctor:

  • What is chorionic villus sampling, and is it recommended for me?

  • What is a nuchal transparency ultrasound, and is it recommended for me?

  • Should I take screening tests? When is the right time to get these tests done?

  • When will I know if I'm carrying twins?

  • When can I hear my baby's heartbeat?

Get week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure well-being of both you & your baby during entire nine months journey!

10 Weeks Pregnancy Checklist

Summarising some important tips for this week, here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Continue taking your prenatal vitamins.

  • Drink enough glasses of water (at least 10 to 12) every day.

  • Create a healthy sleep routine.

  • Use a pregnancy or body pillow to support your body and help you sleep comfortably.

  • Discuss with your partner when to share the pregnancy news.

  • Get a bra fitting and invest in comfortable underwear.

  • Start planning your babymoon in the second trimester. Make sure you get a green signal from your doctor before you book your tickets.

As this week ends, your baby changes his title to a foetus from an embryo. You may already begin experiencing some symptoms fading while the others worsening. Make sure you take care of yourself and rest enough. In case of any concerns, always reach out to your doctor to rule out serious problems.

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