33 weeks pregnant

At 33 weeks pregnant, your baby's development has progressed very well. As your baby continues to grow, he is putting on some weight and will do so until the due date. If you're trying to calculate 33 weeks pregnant in months – the answer is 8. To learn more about what you can expect this week, read on!

33 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development

With only a month to go, your baby has grown up to be the size of a pineapple. At this stage, the 33 weeks pregnant baby weight in kg will be around 2.1 and height will be about 16 to 17 inches. Here's how he will be developing this week:

Sharp kicks

As your uterus has expanded to fully accommodate your growing baby, most of the amniotic fluid has maxed out. This is one of the reasons why the 33 weeks pregnant baby movements feel sharper now.

Difference between day and night

As your uterine walls become thinner, more light can penetrate the womb now. This helps your baby to differentiate between day and night. Your baby now shuts her eyes when sleeping and opens them when awake.

Immune system

Your baby has her own immune system now where your antibodies are passed onto her. This newly formed immune system will help her combat germs and infections once she steps out of the womb.


Your little one's bones are fully developed. However, they're a bit soft and malleable, especially the skull plates. These plates will remain soft so that your baby can pass through easily through your birth canal. Some of these spots, called fontanelles, will remain soft until a year after the baby's birth to allow room for her brain development.


Your tiny tot has now begun practising and coordinating the sucking and swallowing reflex even better than before. Moreover, her rooting reflex has also improved, so now she can turn her head and open her mouth in response to a touch or stimulation of the cheek.

33 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Pregnancy at this stage can bring along some unexpected pains and aches. Apart from some pesky symptoms that you experienced last week, here are some new ones that you can expect:

Frequent urination

As your baby moves deeper into the pelvis, she can put more pressure on your bladder, leading you to visit the bathroom quite often. You might also experience leakage when you laugh, sneeze or cough. Try wearing a panty liner to stay safe from accidental leakages. Make sure you don't cut back on drinking enough fluids and use the bathroom before stepping out of the house.

Braxton Hicks contractions

You may experience practice contractions in full swing at this stage. If you aren't sure about what you're feeling is false contractions or real ones, it is best to talk to your doctor. Note that typical labour contractions last for about 90 seconds and occur at regular intervals. On the other hand, false ones usually occur in the evening or after physical activity and subside after changing positions.

Leg swelling

Your growing uterus puts pressure on the significant veins that transport blood from the lower body to your heart. This can cause your legs to swell up. Avoid standing for long durations and try to elevate your feet whenever possible to improve circulation. You can try comfortable shoes and a support hose for relief.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Swelling also tends to put pressure on your wrists and hands that may lead to a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. It usually affects the bones and the ligaments in the wrist, causing discomfort like numbness or tingling in the hands. Carpal tunnel usually subsides after your baby's birth, but until then, wrist braces or splints could help you relieve the discomfort.

Itchy skin

As the skin across your breasts and belly expands, it can lead to dryness and irritation. Apply a gentle moisturiser throughout the day and before going to bed. If you still feel itchy, take a bath with corn starch. If you notice any rash, talk to your doctor.

Abdominal cramps

At 33 weeks pregnant, abdominal cramping can symbolise preterm labour. At times, it is also accompanied by diarrhoea. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

Things to Consider at the Thirty-third Week of Pregnancy

Here's what you might want to consider this week:

  • Birthing positions: As your due date comes near, consider researching birthing positions that will help you deliver the baby comfortably. You can look out for birthing chairs, stools, balls, or even tubs or pools for labouring in the water. Talk to your doctor to understand what your hospital provides. Although you won't know what feels best until labour, it is still good to explore your options.

  • Hospital bag: If you haven't packed your hospital bag yet, it will be a good idea to start from now. Make a checklist of things you and your partner might require. Read about what goes in a hospital bag (diapers, maternity pads, phone charger, clothes, etc.). You can download our hospital bag checklist to know more.

  • Child-care for siblings: If your baby has any elder siblings, think about who will be taking care of them while you're in the hospital. You can ask a family member or a close friend to be a stand-by or consider a babysitter.

  • Car seat: If you own a car and are planning to bring your baby home in it, make sure it is equipped with safety gear – a baby car seat. Install it correctly in a rear-facing manner, or you can ask a professional to do it for you.

Precautions & Tips at 33rd Week of Pregnancy

We've got you some tips that might come in handy this week:

  • Breastfeeding class: If this is your first pregnancy, you may consider taking a breastfeeding class or get in touch with a lactation consultant to help understand the process better.

  • Room-sharing: Get to know your hospital's policy of sharing a room with your baby 24/7. This will help you bond with your little one in a better way.

  • Calcium intake: If you feel like staying away from plain milk, you can get your calcium in many other ways. Blend in some fruits and milk for smoothies or skip on milk completely. You can try out other dairy products like yoghurt and cheese that are also rich in calcium. Calcium-fortified fruit juices like orange, grapefruit, apple, or cranberry are good options too. Missing out on calcium means loss of vitamin D, so soak up in the morning sun, drink a glass of orange juice or vitamin D-enriched soy milk.

  • Weight training: Although weight training tones up your muscles and prevents bone loss, it is best to switch to lifting light weights during pregnancy. If you lift heavy weights, it can increase the pressure in your body, causing you to hold breath, which can compress the blood circulation to your uterus. It could also injure your loosened ligaments.

  • Upset stomach: If the levels of lactase (an enzyme that breaks down lactose in dairy) in your body is reduced, it can lead to gas, cramps, bloating, and even diarrhoea. To gain your calcium without having to upset can stomach, try eating substitutes like cheese (cheddar, Parmesan, and Swiss) or yoghurt, as the former lose more than half of their lactose; the latter contains good bacteria that can break down lactose. You can also take your milk with whole-grain cereal, as lactose, when mixed with other foods is easier to digest.

  • Rib pain and shortness of breath: If you experience rib pain and breathlessness, try changing positions, maintain a proper posture, take breaks and rest in between your tasks, wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes, and practice your childbirth breathing techniques.

  • Postpartum prep: Currently, you might be busy preparing for your labour and delivery. But keep in mind, postpartum care is important too. So, take some time out for gathering supplies that you might for postpartum healing. Some of these include anaesthetic spray, doughnut pillow, peri bottle, sitz bath, stool softener, comfortable clothes, heavy-flow maxi pads, nursing pads, nipple cream, pumping bra, etc.

Ask Your Doctor

A weekly prenatal visit is the best opportunity to clarify your concerns and doubts about your pregnancy. Here's what you might want to know from your doctor:

  • Will you get the TDAP vaccine?

  • What is the registration process for the hospital or birthing centre where you will be giving birth?

  • When in labour, who should you call? Is it okay to call after hours?

  • When should I go to the hospital when I experience labour pain?

  • Are there any risks and benefits of episiotomy? Is it recommended for me?

  • Will I be having any tests or scans in the upcoming weeks? Is there anything I need to prepare for it?

Get week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure well-being of both you & your baby during entire nine months journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can give birth at 33 weeks. However, your baby would be considered a moderately preterm baby.

Use your nesting instincts to create some beautiful memories of your pregnancy. Enjoy this last phase of your journey and prepare yourself to welcome the baby home.

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